Thursday, October 18, 2007


I work with this person who is what I called "wired."

She will probably never loose her mind.

Life is explainable to her, understandable. She is punctual. She is articulate. She is a team player. She is fair. She is, above all, appropriate.

Do I envy her? Would I want to be her?

Not a chance.

I'm set in my ways. I like the intensity of feeling that comes with bipolar illness.

I guess I would not want to be "wired."

Would you?

1 comment:

Murky said...

Having spent much of my life in the world of the arts and then grass-roots social development, plus being a gay man has really left me a bit out of the mainstream. That has given me a fair amount of leeway in terms of being seen as weird or crazy. However, I no find the mainstream fascinating and my work there is made fascinating by that.

I am, and have always been afraid of being seen as crazy, whever I was. However, I'm reaching a new state of peace with myself where whatever "craziness" people may see is their business. My efforts are directed at making a day work.