Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Keys to Good Mental Health

When I was 27, I lived in Pennsylvania and taught college. I had this marvelous bathtub in my apartment. The back of the tub sloped down perfectly so that it was comfortable when I lay in it. At that time, I didn't have bipolar illness, but I still did things to maintain good mental health. I loved to take long bubble baths by candlelight. I'd light two dozen tea lights, darken the bathroom and slip into the tub. It was my number one mental health activity.

Yesterday, I did another mental health activity. I attempted to make a new friend. I called this woman out of the blue and started in to talking to her like I'd known her for years. I thought my familiarity would work, but it didn't. When I told her I worked part-time, she didn't inquire where I worked. She was, simply, not interested.

But what is important is I TRIED TO MAKE A FRIEND. I reached out to humanity! What a better mental health activity is there?

I also righted a wrong I had committed about a year ago. I said something bad about someone to an acquaintance. It bothered me that I'd "dissed" this woman to another woman. Well, I got on the internet and wrote her an email and told her that I was wrong about said person. The person who I had believed was a jerk was really O.K.

Righting an old wrong is certainly a positive mental health activity.

What are you doing to perfect your mental health. Sometimes, the simplest, friendly gestures can really brighten your mood.

And now, I'm off to take a bubble bath...

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