Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm Running For President

Here ye, here ye. I'm running for president.

A disabled person should run the country because she's aware of her limits.

A mentally disabled person should run the country because he knows chaos well and wants to avoid it at all costs.

Turns out, I'm one of the strong ones.

Monday, March 3, 2008

What We May Have to Give Up After Being Diagnosed Bipolar

productivity--no more work-filled sleepless nights
biological children--you may decide not to pass illness along
a job--your job may prove to be too stressful
money--you must buy meds and therapy, hospitalization
time--you must see a psychiatrist on a regular schedule
convenience/freedom--You're a "slave" to your meds
your looks--you may gain weight, get acne
your insanity--you have to give up the old you (the incredibly fun, zany and adventurous you)
pride--#1 thing that must be given up
credibility--you may lose your credibility in some circles
friends--you may lose some friends

The diagnosis is a huge blow to anyone.