Monday, October 15, 2007

Should I Be a Hero?

I'm on a higher dose of meds than usual.

I feel like I should go down on my medication.

Like I'm a better person if i can live on less meds.

Where does this come from?

I guess it comes from years of living w/o medication.

Should I be a hero and go down on my medication?

Part of me feels like I shouldn't feel this good. Maybe I should start flogging myself.

Medication is so easy to forget. You take it once a day and forget it. Idon't like to remind myself that I'm medicated.

It's kind of a cheat. All those other people survive w/o meds.

I have some issues with meds.

But I am completely compliant.

Should I be a hero?

Maybe I'll be fine. Maybe I won't.

Should I find out?

My doctor gives me the power to slightly adjust my meds. I am in the driver's seat. Afterall, I'm the one who knows how I feel.

I think it would be easier if there was a guy who said, "Go down." or "go up." I don't necessarily like making the decisions.

What a baby I am.

I'm never happy.

I guess i'll stay where I'm at. Why shouldn't I feel great?

Who in the hell cares if i'm up on my meds?

(i do...)

1 comment:

Murky said...

I sometimes judge being on any medication as a sign of weakness as if "I couldn't do it for myself." However, now that I'm high doses and more than I've ever taken, I can judge myself as weak or incomplete for having to rely on this "crutch". Well, this "crutch" helped me move out of a one-year savage depression and get my life back. If that's weakness I'll take it.