Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I looked into Astra Zeneca, the drug company that makes Seroquel, the anti-psychotic, to see if they wanted to advertise on this blog. I spoke with a very nice woman who handles the Seroquel account. She told me that I had to have about 1,000 hits a day before the drug company would be interested in my little blog.

So, tell all your friends. Come and hit my blog. Read what I have to say. I'm a reasonable sort. Oh, that medication issue I was dealing with last night--i think i really need the meds. it's not an issue any more.

it's exciting to know that people come to this blog and read about the adventures of a crazy woman. my husband told me he married me because i had an interesting life that could spice his up.

i would absolutely love it if Astra Zeneca would advertise on this blog. I'm going to start taking Seroquel after my childbearing years, which means sometime soon. Does anyone take this drug? Care to weigh in with a comment?

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