Saturday, November 10, 2007

Running out of Meds

Last night, I looked at my bottle of Lithium and discovered that I had only one pill left. Not even enough for the next day.

You know how this goes. You scurry to your medicine cabinet, throw the door open, dig around for some old bottle of Lithium you've forgotten about. Well, lo and behold, I found a spare bottle of this precious drug. I had enough to last me until my mail order drugs came in a few days.

Don't you hate to bother your shrink for a drug refill on weekends? I've heard that shrinks like the low-key, nonbothersome patients the best. So I didn't want to call his answering service and have him paged. God only knows what he'd be doing. I just didn't want to interrupt.

I should be a better planner with my meds. I should never run out. Do pharmacies give you meds in an emergency w/o a prescription?

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