Monday, November 26, 2007

A break in the routine

I don't know about you, but I'm dying from this holiday break in the routine. My body and psyche doesn't know what to do with itself. I want to go back to the normal non-holiday days and weeks.

This is not to say that Thanksgiving wasn't nice, but come much relaxing does one need?

And to make matters worse, it's only going to continue because next month is Christmas. This brings lots of time off for me. I've got to find a way to spend my spare time.

How did you survive the holidays? Any moodiness? Depression? Mania? I could go for a little mania right now. I came down with a bad cold, to top it off.

Now, I know what they mean when they say the holidays are stressful. You're all couped up in the house on top of each other. and you eat a lot. I haven't exercised in months.

But finally, I found a pair of snow boots for my little boy.

I hope you survived this big holiday. Let's gear up for the next one...

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