Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

I'm so grateful because I'm going to be teaching high school students next semester.

I'm so grateful because i'm sharing a meal with my family and friends.

I'm so grateful because i have a few minutes to write while my son is asleep.

I'm so grateful for pie.

My husband is away. He went to Rhode Island to see his family. So it's just me and dog and toddler.

The house looks decent.

turns out, i had to crack my prozac bottle. are any of you depressed like I am? thank God for prozac.

i'm running low on ideas. what do you'all want to read about? i told myself that this blog would be about bipolar illness. so far i've stuck to my guns. i don't want it to be about my general comings and goings.

my heart goes out to those who are depressed this holiday. pamper yourself. take a hot bath. watch some good t.v.

my heart goes out to those of you who are alone. if so, put some Christmas music on and try to stay focused.

be good,


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