Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lithium Acne

My biggest complaint with being "crazy" right now is Lithium Acne. My face is covered with huge cysts. Not just little pimples, but big cystic acne.

I used to be beautiful.

I put makeup on to cover them up, but it just looks worse. Does anyone know anything that works on Lithium acne?

I've tried everything and nothing works.

I tried that Proactive, and antibiotics both oral and topical, simple clearasil, Avon acne products, numerous prescription creams and lotions...

Quite frankly, the thing that works the best is the cheapest remedy--good, ole Clearasil.

I'm having my brown hair streaked professionally to offset my ugly pimples. I just bought some new jeans that hang low at my waist to try to show off my BOD. Anything to take away from my Lithium face.

I would love to hear how you guys deal with this. And I can't go off Lithium. I've tried Lamictal and seizure meds, but I can't tolerate them. so i'm stuck on the big Lithium nightmare.

Does anyone have any advice?


sm said...

Hi Laura,

Hmm...I've never tried Clearsil, I should try it.

I take minocin (antibiotic) and the acne is less now but now I have red marks left from previous pimples :P

Everyone has to try a different treatment since we're all unique.

I hope that helps

Laura Yeager said...


thanks for the remedy...happy sunday...
