Monday, November 12, 2007

If you could have been born w/o bipolar illness

I'm not sure I'd rather be normal. If I were normal, I might not be able to write. If I were normal, I wouldn't know the extremes of the human brain. If I were "normal," I wouldn't be me. I might have different problems.

I wouldn't change anything if I could. Except I'd do away with the acne and the weight gain.

Would you change your bipolar status if you could?

People say they'd keep their problems over someone else's. It's not greener on the other side of the fence.


Lynn Rae said...

I agree with you 100%. Fifteen years ago I would have traded my life for someone else but not a chance now! Like you said, I have gotten to experience the extremes the human brain is capable of. I say that in past tense because I don't plan on having any more hypo-manic highs or the black holes of depression. I believe I have done the necessary work on me to ensure it doesn't happen again. But my work has just begun. Self-improvement is a part of my life just like brushing my teeth and sleeping. I will continue on this journey as long as I live. My goal is to prove that this illness can be beaten if one does enough work on themselves and gets to the root of the problem. After six months of rapid cycling two years ago I learned some very valuable lessons and even though I still reach out to Distress Lines once in a while I know that talking through my emotions is the quickest way to get over whatever is troubling me. I was told 7 years ago by two psychiatrists that I would never work full time again. Through my tears I was thinking to myself "bets?" Tell me I can't do something and that becomes my challenge to prove you wrong. As the song says, "I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman." Incidentally, my license plate reads "IAMWOMAN." Perhaps not one of my better ideas when on a hypo-manic high but it gets lots of laughs.

Laura Yeager said...

more power to you, woman! i bet we're not alone in saying that we wouldn't trade our lives in...

sm said...

I would not change my bipoalr status if I could. I do not regret what happened in my past because I believe everything happens for the best.

Having bipolar disorder has brought me where I am today and I am grateful for that.
