Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pie in Face, "Can I Come in?" and Common Injury

My three-year-0ld son saw Pat Sayjak throw a whipped cream pie in Vanna's face. Then, Vanna got Pat with a pie.

This strange activity really made him think. He kept saying, "Pie in face, pie in face," in a questioning voice.

I tried to explain to him that it was humorous, that it was a joke. He did not get the cultural significance of throwing a pie in someone's face.

For him, it was a completely alien, if not crazy, action.

Someone's starting a minority mag in Dayton, OH. The magazine intimated that it was for black people. I wrote the person and asked her if she included disabled people in her minority group. She wrote back and said yes.

I've been admitted to her minority.

I'm very happy.


My mentor says that black people have something in common. They suffer from the same injuries--slavery and segregation.

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