Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bipolar Christmas

Bipolar people celebrate Christmas, too. The question becomes, what does one get a bipolar person for Christmas?

The first thing that comes to mind is a good scale. We bipolar people are constantly battling our weight. I can think of nothing more useful than a good scale.

On the flip side, I'd get the bipolar person a lot of chocolate. Chocolate creates a nice mood in a person. And we're surely looking for a good mood.

Colorful clothing. When one is depressed, one looks grey and washed out. What a better thing than a hot, pink long-sleeved tee. Or a bright orange pair of pajamas.

Hat, scarves and gloves. With this illness, exercise is recommended. It's cold out there. You'll need these.

The boxed-set of Curb Your Enthusiasm. If it exists. Laughter is great medicine.

A pill box. This is self-explanatory.

Other than that, bipolar people want and need the same thing non-bipolar people want and need for Christmas. Remember, we're not that different. Just a little more happy and sad.

On a different note, BP Magazine took another story! It's due out in April of 2008. Stay tuned. hope the writer's block is over...

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