Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Would You Buy a Lipstick on Ebay?

Germ Phobia article notes:

would you use your spouse's toothbrush?
would you French kiss on the first date?
would you eat an apple right off the tree w/o washing it first?
would you buy a bra at Goodwill?
would you eat a piece of toast off of a stranger's plate at a restaurant, if the stranger had left the restaurant?
do you sit down on public toilets w/o putting paper down on the toilet seat?
do you share a glass of diet coke with your best friend?
do you immediately shower after sex?
would you buy lipstick on ebay?

hello, guys. yes, this is still bipolar literature, but i thought i'd show you what i'm working on right now. i'm working on an article about germ phobias.

mood is pretty good. it's so rainy here, and cold. i'm fixin to turn 45 on Feb. 17. seems old. how's your mood?

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